Master's and Doctorate Degree
The application process consists of 2 stages:

Stage 1
This stage is eliminatory and composed by the evaluation of the research project, the curricululm vitae and the academic history of the candidates.

Stage 2
Successful candidates in stage 1 must, in the second stage, carry out a written evaluation and an interview

Student Exchange
As part of its internationalization process, the Institute of Economics has sent and received undergraduate and graduate students from other universities outside Brazil.
Foreign students can take the following courses offered in English:

HO-818/A 4 Trade Unions: Strategies and Practices
HO-819/A 4 Special Topics of Social Economy
HO-833/A 4 Social Protection in Capitalism
HO-820/B 4 Special Topics in Labor Economics
HO-112/B 4 Macroeconomics
HO-113/B 4 Microeconomics
HO-341/B 4 Quantitative Methods Applied to Economics
HO-834 4 Labor and Capitalism

Further information

Unicamp International Office
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Institute of Economics - Unicamp
+55 19 3521-5737 | 55 19 3521-5713
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