Completion of the Program
The minimum and maximum time limits for completing the Master`s Degree program are 12 and 36 months, respectively.
To obtain the Master's Degree in Economics, students must fulfill a total of 36 credits in courses (24 in obligatory courses and 12 in elective courses) and be approved in the defense of dissertation.

Required Activity
AA001 * * 0 Master’s Dissertation

Required Courses
HO112 60 4 Macroeconomics
HO113 60 4 Microeconomics
HO305 60 1 Dissertation Seminars I
HO306 60 1 Dissertation Seminars II
HO307 60 1 Dissertation Seminars III
HO308 60 1 Dissertation Seminars IV
HO341 60 4 Quantitative Methods Applied to Economics
HO707 60 4 International and Brazilian Economy
HO 335 60 4 Economic Development

Elective Courses
Students must obtain 16 credits among the courses listed below. The courses must be chosen in agreement with their Advisor.

HO012 4 Mathematical Economics
HO013 4 Economic Statistics
HO023 4 Economic Development and Environment
HO024 4 Agricultural Policy and the Environment
HO025 4 Environmental Economics
HO030 4 Urban Economics and Economic Policy
HO052 4 Special Topics in Economic Development I
HO053 4 Special Topics in Economic Development II
HO054 4 Special Topics in Economic Development III
HO115 4 Brazil Economic FormationI
HO117 4 Industrialization Pattern: Syndicalism in Developed Countries
HO118 4 Labor Market, Salaries and Labor Unions in Brazil
HO212 4 Monetary and Financial Economics
HO231 4 Econometrics
HO235 4 Panel Data Econometrics
HO236 4 Temporal Series Econometrics
HO251 4 Labor Unions and Labor Union Action
HO313 4 Economic Policy and Regional Development
HO350 4 Special Topics in Economics
HO351 2 Special Topics in Economic Theory I
HO352 2 Special Topics in Economic Theory II
HO355 4 Economic Behavior and Institutions
HO363 4 Advanced Topics in Keynesian Macroeconomics
HO413 4 Industrial Organization and Technological Development
HO424 4 Changes and Dynamics in Agriculture
HO425 4 Rural Development Theory
HO435 4 Directed Reading in Economics
HO440 2 Special Topics in Applied Economics
HO445 4 Input-Output Applied Analysis
HO450 4 Advanced Topics in Economic Theory
HO455 4 Topics in Institutional Economics
HO512 4 Macroeconomics II
HO601 4 International Economics
HO603 4 Financial System and Public Financing
HO606 4 Structure and Evolution of Agriculture in Brazil
HO610 4 Social Policies in Brazil
HO614 4 Policy and Agricultural Development
HO705 4 Political Economy
HO710 4 Introduction to China Studies: a multidisciplinary approach
HO713 4 Development Strategies
HO715 4 Strategy and Dynamics of Large Corporations in the Contemporary Capitalism
HO720 4 Imperialism interpretations
HO724 4 Advanced topics of General Economic History
HO725 4 Advanced topics of Brazilian Economic History
HO727 4 Tópicos Avançados de História Econômica do Brasil I
HO728 4 Advanced Topics in Economic History of Brazil II
HO729 4 Advanced Topics in General Economic History I
HO730 4 Advanced Topics in General Economic History II
HO801 4 Work and Social Protection: Theoretical Approaches
HO802 4 Social Economics
HO803 4 Labor Economics
HO806 4 Advanced Topics in Work and Syndicalism
HO811 4 The Brazilian System of Social Protection
HO812 4 Public Policy Analysis
HO816 4 Labor Union Organization and Action in Brazil
HO819 4 Special Topics in Social Economy
HO827 4 Work and Social Economy
HO833 4 Social Protection in Capitalism
HO834 4 Work in Capitalism
HO835 4 Social Protection in Brazil
HO836 4 Work and Labor Union in Brazil
HO905 4 Research Methods in Economic History
HO909 4 Policy and Regional Development
HO909 4 Policy and Regional Development
HO912 4 History of the Brazilian Agriculture
HO912 4 History of the Brazilian Agriculture
HO913 4 Themes in General and Brazilian Economic History
HO914 4 Advanced Themes in General and Brazilian Economic History

Note: Upon Advisor`s indication and approval from the Post-Graduation Commission, students may choose elective courses in other post-graduation courses at other programs in Brazil or abroad.

* In the lists of courses, the numbers in the 2nd columns correspond to the total credits in each course, respectively. Each credit corresponds to a 15 class hours. In thesis courses, there is an asterisk in place of class hours.


Completion of the Program
The minimum and maximum time limits for completing the Doctorate Course are 24 and 48 months, respectively.
To obtain the Ph.D. in Economics, students must fulfill a total of 36 credits in courses (24 in obligatory courses and 12 in elective courses) and be approved in the defense of Thesis.

Required Activity
AA002 * 0 Doctorate Thesis

Required Courses
HO112 60 4 Macroeconomics
HO113 60 4 Microeconomics
HO305 60 1 Dissertation Seminars I
HO306 60 1 Dissertation Seminars II
HO307 60 1 Dissertation Seminars III
HO308 60 1 Dissertation Seminars IV
HO341 60 4 Quantitative Methods Applied to Economics
HO707 60 4 International and Brazilian Economy
HO 016 60 4 Economic Development

Elective Courses
Students must obtain 12 credits among the courses listed below. The courses must be chosen in agreement with their Advisor and with the Coordinator of the program.

HO012 4 Mathematical Economics
HO013 4 Economic Statistics
HO023 4 Economic Development and Environment
HO025 4 Environmental Economics
HO030 4 Urban Economics and Economic Policy
HO115 4 Economic Formation of Brazil I
HO212 4 Monetary and Financial Economics
HO231 4 Econometrics
HO235 4 Panel Data Econometrics
HO236 4 Temporal Series Econometrics
HO313 4 Economic Policy and Regional Development
HO335 4 Economic Development
HO350 4 Special Topics in Economics
HO351 2 Special Topics in Economic Theory I
HO352 2 Special Topics in Economic Theory II
HO355 4 Economic Behavior and Institutions
HO363 4 Advanced Topics in Keynesian Macroeconomics
HO413 4 Industrial Organization and Technological Development
HO435 4 Directed Reading in Economics
HO440 2 Special Topics in Applied Economics
HO445 4 Input-Output Applied Analysis
HO450 4 Advanced Topics in Economic Theory
HO455 4 Topics in Institutional Economics
HO512 4 Macroeconomics II
HO601 4 International Economics
HO710 4 Introduction to China Studies: a multidisciplinary approach
HO715 4 Strategy and Dynamics of Large Corporations in the Contemporary Capitalism
HO724 4 Advanced topics of General Economic History
HO725 4 Advanced topics of Brazilian Economic History
HO802 4 Social Economics
HO803 4 Labor Economics
HO812 4 Public Policy Analysis

Note: Upon Advisor`s indication and approval from the Post-Graduation Commission, students may choose elective courses in other post-graduation courses at other programs in Brazil or abroad.

* In the lists of courses, the numbers in the 2nd columns correspond to the total credits in each course, respectively. Each credit corresponds to a 15 class hours. In thesis courses, there is an asterisk in place of class hours.